Thursday, August 7, 2008

Travel to Sydney - August 7 2008

Brussels Airport - 18h40, August 6 2008

Ok, well I was planning on doing a first blog entry in the most interesting of places - Brussels National Airport! Initially my attempts to connect to the blog were blocked by the weakest of internet connection in the bar - I think it was a trade off between the beer and the internet - and now at the departure gate it was a trade off in terms of the fee required for a connection and the time I have. Let’s face it 20 Euros for what shouldn’t be more than 5 minutes (fingers crossed) seemed excessive. I have also just realised how crap I am typing on a French keyboard - it feels like a long time since I wrote French dissertations this way - already I have been at this meagre entry for 10 minutes!! Oh dear. Well it is meant to be a relaxing holiday, so let’s not rush. However, while I’m on the IT points, Ajsel, this machine keeps telling me I have weak memory - what have you done to it??? Only kidding, fingers crossed it survives the next few weeks.
Ok, so it looks like we’re late already, but I have some hours in Frankfurt to sample typical German gastronomie! I guess I should log off now, in the events that the (non-striking) Lufthansa deign to get the show on the road….


Frankfurt Airport - 23h00 August 6 2008

Ok, so not quite the German gastronomie I had in mind, there being a choice between McDonalds and Mexican. I’ll give you one guess to think what we opted for - remember American, but Texan. Apart from that gastronomic excitement not a lot else to say really, what can one say about Frankfurt airport??? Apart from that, I’m now sitting out at the gate waiting to get the plane. I think it is finally hitting home that I’m off to the South Pacific. Bizarrely as it might seem, I didn’t quite register today what with being at work and all. Hmm can’t even say anything interesting about my fellow passengers yet…. Oh! Boarding. Here’s to Sydney and the South Pacific!!! Saved by the bell as they say….


Singapore Airport - 18h30 7 August 2008

Just arrived in Singapore in a storm, torrential downpour and lakes of rain on the runway. A good flight, and now just having breakfast at the usual time of 18h00... I am just realising how far it actually is to get to the South Pacific, I bet we’re only just over half the way there now! Anyway, a good flight. Was sitting next to a German nurse who told me how on a previous flight he had to give medical assistance to someone who had lost their finger on a sailing boat - and hadn’t been to the hospital!! Scary stuff. So, on that bombshell - I shall log off and conserve laptop power, the « souci » does not have a great battery life I can confirm….


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